SMARTGLASS - Transparency or privacy !?
Special foil, under the influence of electronic voltage, turns on and off glass transparency. This system can be fitted into front and revolving door, winter garden and sliding wall.
Applying "intelligent" glass enables to save by eliminating costs connected to heating, air-conditioning and illumination. In comparison to traditional sunshades, installation and automatics maintaining costs can also be avoided. Inactive, non-transparent glass blocks UV rays transmission, which decreases fabric and paint fading. Smartglass is made of special foil, which is laminated between two glass panes. While being inactive - it does not consume any energy. When it's activated, Smartglass uses a small amount of it. Thanks to the ability to manipulate the electric voltage, the user can control quantity of light transfer (and warmth as well) through this glass. .
Smartglass might be used inside and outside the buildings, to provide privacy (in the conference room, intensive care unit, in residence or hotel as shower doors).

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